Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 2

So, today was another good day!

We woke up bright and early and learned how to effectively use our computers! Unfortunately my screen back light stopped working yesterday and my computer is now out of commission! (I'm using Jackie's right now, in case you were wondering!) We then had a "Welcome" breakfast and met the staff that works at E.O. We then had training from Omega Financial (which I've done before so that was SUPER exciting). We also learned the house rules and about payroll. We got done fairly early today. We all made family dinner and sang the ADPi blessing before we ate! how precious! We then took a trip to this really large Target! It was fun, lol. I have been deemed the official designated driver of the van, with Tara as my co-pilot! We all seem to get along really well and it's been fun getting to know everyone!

Lauren, Jackie, Laura, Britt and I did a Denise Austin boot camp dvd today that had us dying laughing. We did it in this little tiny room by our bunks and all I can say is "Shake it off" ... it was rough!

EO is super cool. We're getting the tour from a historical perspective tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that! It's an actual house with a living side and an office side. It's almost like a musuem. I will take pictures and upload them somehow. There is so much cool stuff...and it is such an honor to be living here! (Kind of surreal!).

We got assigned presentations today that we will be delivering for Grand Council in August. Mine is on Social..When where and how? lol Everything has been pretty easy so far..but tomorrow if like official training day 1. For the next few days, our focus will be on recruitment. This coming weekend will all be on Expansion. Recruitment will be my primary focus for the visits I've been assigned thus far. I'm going to 3 spirit weeks and 3 recruitmetns and then I will be at 1 Colony. I'm looking forward to the next few days. They are suppose to be filled with a lot of info, and pretty full and long days.. but I feel like it will be our first bit of useful information!!

Anyway, I think that's all my new info!

Thanks for reading along!



Unknown said...

i am so jealous that you get to go to 3 spirit weeks!! One is not enough! Also, I want to know the adpi blessing song..thx!

Ashley said...

Hear us sing with one accord,praises for thy gifts o lord.For thy gifts of daily bread, for the paths in which we're lead. From thy throne of love on high. List to alpha delta pi. Amen.