Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today was fun... different but fun! It's interesting to see how the girls do recruitment and the whole attitude/mood of how it's perceived here. The girls have been super sweet and just nice girls. They have a very mixed group which definitely influences the dynamic of the Chapter but I have loved getting to know them. Hopefully I've been helpful. I went to breakfast with the Finance Team, lunch with the Standards team, and dinner with the Panhellenic girls. I had a really good meeting with the Pan girls. It seemed as though we made a connection and that I influenced them and gave them some useful ideas. It's so hard to tell if you really help them or not. I mean, I know the appreciate any help..but my goal is to really impact someone in a big way... who knows!!


Fun fact about Murray--I have yet to go to a meal with the girls, where some older person (a stranger) from their community has come up to them and talk to them about one thing or another! Isn't that sooo intersting?

Tomorrow is the big day. Day 1 of recruitment for the murray girls. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it goes! They have worked hard, so I am really hoping it pays off!

I'll let you know how it goes! I am going to hit the sack!


1 comment:

jwickham said...

hit the sack @ 11? im starting to think you set your alarm to wake up and text me @ 3 in the morning..i dont mind though because i dont hear it and when i do i dont remember it the next day. anyways, random thought of the day..that picture of you and i on your page... look at the perfect product placement for blue moon...you need to get on that..no free advertising on the ehrman's blog page.. what do they think this is?